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2 Subsequently, it deals with united front work (统一战线工作), i.e., influence operations rallying other actors to achieve the CCP’s political goals. It focuses first on propaganda and thought work (宣传思想工作), i.e., practices designed to shape people’s emotions, thinking, and political behavior.

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This article presents a case study of the CCP’s Xinjiang work (涉疆工作), i.e., its efforts to inform foreign public debate and affairs relating to Xinjiang to serve its broader political interests.

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The CCP has thus been forced to devote considerable efforts to containing the damage its radical Xinjiang policy inflicts on its national image and foreign policy. The critical situation in Xinjiang has become one of the points of friction between part of the international community and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Xinjiang developments are symptomatic of the CCP’s comprehensive consolidation of power under Xi Jinping (习近平) and its assertive projection of power abroad since 2012. The extreme policies implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (also known as East Turkestan) since Chen Quanguo (陈全国) became the regional party secretary in August 2016, explored in this special issue, have fundamentally altered the party’s governance in the region and gravely impacted even the most private spheres of life for Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and the region’s other non-Han ethnic groups. The research draws on open textual sources and author’s interviews with Uyghur informants in Istanbul and Ankara in May, June, and August 2019. Finally, the article presents several instances of the CCP’s attempts to localize its propaganda and united front work by adopting the topic of Islam. The discussion also situates the examined CCP actors within the respective systems of governance. The research mostly investigates recent developments in Sino-Turkish ties, the communication of the PRC’s central actors with Turkish audiences, the CCP’s efforts to build ties with local political actors and co-opt their public discourse and media networks, the mechanisms of communication effected by official press tours of Turkish journalists to Xinjiang, and the CCP’s propaganda and united front work targeting Uyghurs living in Turkey, particularly businessmen and students. This article explores the actors and content of the propaganda and united front work the CCP carries out in Turkey to shape the public debate and affairs relating to Xinjiang. The Xinjiang crisis has become a major point of friction between part of the international community and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), obliging the CCP to devote considerable efforts to its containment. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) comprehensively recast its governance in Xinjiang in 2016, its policies have impacted virtually all aspects of reality for Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic communities in the region.

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“ China’s Xinjiang Propaganda and United Front Work in Turkey”, 15 Mar. 2021).

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A summary of the present paper appeared as a two-article series in China Brief (“ The Xinjiang Crisis and Sino-Turkish Relations During the Pandemic”, 26 Feb. This article draws on previous research first presented at the workshop “Mapping China’s footprint in the world II”, discussed in the Sinopsis paper “ China’s Xinjiang work in Turkey” (11 Aug. 2019) and updated in “ China’s Tactics for Targeting the Uyghur Diaspora in Turkey” ( China Brief, 1 Nov. 2019). It is reproduced with permission, with minor edits. This paper was first published in a special double issue of Monde chinois – Nouvelle Asie ( Les mécanismes de la répression en région ouïghoure, N° 62 Transformation et reconstruction des identités, N° 63), edited by Vanessa Frangville and Jean-Yves Heurtebise.

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